Prologue: on inquiry the groundwork of coaching
Of none of our future statements do we positively affirm that the fact is exactly as we state it, but we simply (Read more…)
Of none of our future statements do we positively affirm that the fact is exactly as we state it, but we simply (Read more…)
This article argues for a new way of studying executive-coaching outcomes, which is illustrated with a study based on data from 156 (Read more…)
The purpose of this study is to go to the heart of the consulting and coaching intervention and to explore what is (Read more…)
This contribution argues for a new way of studying executive-coaching outcome. The argument accepts that we are not likely to get rigorous (Read more…)
An introduction to the largest ever quantitative outcome research programme undertaken in collaboration between the universities of Ashridge, Amsterdam and Sydney. Download (Read more…)
What is hoped to be ‘the greatest ever coaching outcome study’ is now underway. And we need you and your clients to (Read more…)
This is a quantitative study of executive coaching to determine the key factors or ‘active ingredients’ which contribute to its effectiveness. Data (Read more…)
In this study the phenomenon of reflective-self function is explored in terms of its historical understanding – just as the phenomenon of (Read more…)
Descriptions of critical moments of coaching, defined as exciting, tense, or significant moments from the time spent in the coaching conversation experienced (Read more…)
“I wish I’d…”: Nottingham Business School’s Elaine Robinson and her supervisor Erik de Haan from the Ashridge Centre for Coaching share insights (Read more…)
Following on from their article about coaching supervision (TJ August 2010), David Birch and Erik de Haan argue that consulting supervision is (Read more…)
How can we assess the organisational impact of executive coaching interventions? By asking third parties to share their perceptions, say Erik de (Read more…)
What might be done to enhance learning and add variety to or rejuvenate supervision sessions that feel like a duty rather than (Read more…)
This article focuses specifically on one of the central questions in an article by Jenkins, namely whether coaches should use a specific, (Read more…)
With the growing professionalism of the OD field, supervision is making an important contribution to many formal qualifications in organization consulting. As (Read more…)
Executive coaching is gaining in popularity, both as part of personal or organisational development programmes and as a tailored form of individual (Read more…)
In this study the phenomenon of transference (and parallel process) is explored in terms of its historical understanding and possible occurrences in (Read more…)
Sixty-seven past and present clients of executive coaching wrote to us about the critical moments they experienced, and we interviewed 8 of (Read more…)
Anna Duckworth and Erik de Haan summarise the empirical outcome research literature in the field of executive coaching. (Also available in Dutch) (Read more…)
In this study descriptions of critical moments of coaching as experienced by both executive coaches and their clients are analysed and compared, (Read more…)