Free to choose

Erik de Haan
Coaching Today, 2023

I share the findings from my recently published, comprehensive, meta-analytic review of coaching outcome studies, with some conclusions about what these results (Read more…)

Love over fear

love over fear
Robin Shohet, David Birch and Erik de Haan with Ineke Duit, Karen Griffin, Arne Hemkes, Leen Lambrechts and Marjan Timmer
Coaching Today, July, 14-18, 2019

Moderators, tutors and candidates of the final accreditation process of Ashridge/Hult Business School’s supervision postgraduate diploma share their experiences of a new (Read more…)

Here’s my opinion

Erik de Haan & Ineke Duit
Coaching @ Work, January, 13.1, 26-27, 2018

Case vignette around ethics in coaching, comparing two different views. The chair of an organisation feels her CEO is not responding to (Read more…)

Prologue: on inquiry the groundwork of coaching

Prologue - on inquiry the groundwork of coaching
E. de Haan, A. Baldwin, N. Carew, S. Conway, J. Elliman, J. Hazell, A. Martin, S. Mureau, P. O'Connell, N. Pounder, P. Rutherford & C. Wanke (Eds.)
Behind closed doors: stories from the coaching room. Faringdon: Libri., 2013

Of none of our future statements do we positively affirm that the fact is exactly as we state it, but we simply (Read more…)

Back to basics III

De Haan, E.
International Coaching Psychology Review, accepted / in press, 2013

The purpose of this study is to go to the heart of the consulting and coaching intervention and to explore what is (Read more…)

Back to basics II

De Haan, E.
International Coaching Psychology Review, 7.2, 194-209, 2012

In this study the phenomenon of reflective-self function is explored in terms of its historical understanding – just as the phenomenon of (Read more…)