| Terms & conditions


Contractual fee rates are subject to review at the end of each Calendar Year. One month’s notice of any changes will be given to the client. Travelling and materials expenses are not recharged. All fees and expenses are exclusive of VAT, which is charged at the prevailing rate. Fees and expenses are invoiced up to one month in arrears, and terms of payment are thirty days.

Once an overall programme of work is agreed with the client, full cancellation charges for consulting work will apply from two weeks before the agreed date.

If an assignment extends for more than 5 days of work, the client is asked to complete an evaluation form for the over-all assignment. The results of this form and the learning that can be drawn from the assignment can also be discussed in an evaluation meeting, afterwards.

All information provided by the client will be treated as confidential and not disclosed to any third party without the client’s approval. Unless otherwise agreed, the client grants us permission to use the client’s name only in promotional material. No other details of work with the client will be disclosed without the client’s prior approval.

The purpose of this website is not to be a portal or representation of a business or any of the institutions I work for. The website was designed exclusively to offer a space where consulting practitioners and scientists have easy and unfettered access to all my published articles, so they can use them in their work. Hence the strong emphasis on publications and written content.